Here is a snippet of some code from a sample of mine. It's asynchronous and returns a JSON object. It can do any form of GET request. ... <看更多>
Here is a snippet of some code from a sample of mine. It's asynchronous and returns a JSON object. It can do any form of GET request. ... <看更多>
Learn how to make HTTP requests in Node. js including using different libraries like Axios, Got, SuperAgent, and node-fetch with frontend ... ... <看更多>
request.get('').pipe(request.put(' ... Also, util.promisify , which is available from Node.js v8.0 can be used to ... ... <看更多>
另外還有http.get() 也可以達到與http.request() 差不多的需求,但是,就沒有提供,所以筆者就直接選擇都用http.request(),只要在options ... ... <看更多>